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Our Voice

Find out what our Our Voice group have been up to this term.

Meet our Therapists

Find out what the therapists do to help enhance our school provision.

Erasmus Project +

This year we took part in the Erasmus+ Project. Find out what we got up to here

External Contacts

Find a list of our partners here.

Upcoming Events

Careers Wales Quality Award

Crownbridge School are pleased to take part in the Careers Wales Quality Award pilot, along with 37 other schools in Wales.
The Careers Wales Quality Award aims to support all schools and settings with learners aged 3 to 16.
It will support the development of purposeful and relevant CWRE (Careers and Work-Related Experiences) across the curriculum.
The Careers Wales Quality Award (CWQA) is aligned with the Curriculum for Wales. It will replace the Careers Wales Mark.

The CWQA has 3 stages, each with a different focus.

  •  Stage 1 – Leadership

This stage is about formulating and maintaining the commitment to lead the development of CWRE.

  • Stage 2 – Development

This stage is about realising CWRE in the curriculum through professional learning, stakeholder engagement and effective teaching and learning.

  • Stage 3 – Impact

This stage is about demonstrating impact in CWRE.

The pilot will run from September 2023 to 2026 and Crownbridge School is asked to complete all three stages during this time to achieve the award. For more information, please visit: 

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